Why do I write? I write to find out what happens. It’s as simple as that. I don’t know where a scene is going until I see the words appear on screen. Sure, it’s my fingers pounding the Qwerty, but it’s like it’s from a deep recess in my brain where my conscious mind is not allowed. When I write, it’s as fun as sitting down to watch a movie with a surprise twist or curling up with a suspense novel that keeps you turning pages. That’s why I write, to find out what happens next. Best, Stew ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Stewart is an award-winning author and #1 Best Seller. He lives in the sunflower-covered hills of Kansas with his dear wife and six lively children. Stewart worked for two decades as an engineer, designing streets and highways. Now he writes books with action and science, a little mix of MacGyver and Die Hard. “Writing is like watching a movie, and I love movies.” Stewart has published two novels, the latest THE HI...